Assignment Title: Infographic (Climate Change)
Uses in the Classroom: Teaching about climate change is one of my favorite things to teach, because the students get to analyze the information themselves and I see a lot of higher level thinking through it. We will be starting it after Thanksgiving break so I will be able to use my new infographic :)
Students will evaluate the contribution of society using their textbook, book, and websites to debate the sources of climate change in large groups.
We have a whole unit on this issue, and at the end do a fishbowl where students get to voice their opinions on the matter.
Issues to Consider: Climate change can be a sensitive issue with some families, as most opinions middle school students have tend to be those of their parents. When teachers try to 'change' those opinions, it can be stressful to both parties. It's important to not influence students with our opinions but see how students' form their own and to show them all possible sides.
Copyright: This infographic was made using The images and facts came from,, and