Assignment Title: Digital Storytelling (Tracking a Hurricane)
Uses in the Classroom: This is an assignment I've used with students for the past few years. The students track a hurricane and try to predict the place and time of the hurricane making landfall. After their prediction and their hurricane warning has been issued, we track the hurricane for another 24 hours, predict again, and track again. Students will evaluate the significance of issuing a correct hurricane warning using their textbook by modeling the path of a past hurricane and predicting its landfall.
Issues to Consider: Some students may have a hard time tracking the hurricane from the projector to their paper, so having a copy where the first few dots are already done may be helpful. Also, it may be helpful to incorporate past or present hurricanes for students to see what's going on in the world around them. It is also easier to do with an overhead projector and a document camera.
Copyright: The video was made using IMovie, and the pictures and movies of the class are my students going through the activity with me. (The activity was found in our textbook, Prentice Hall Weather and Climate) The graph of the Atlantic Ocean was from the NOAA website (, and the picture of the hurricane approaching Florida is used under a creative commons from the website Flikr ( and was taken by KaKela. Click here for the link.
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